want an adittional $30,797 in monthly profit while working 27 hours less?
The mindset shift missing to scale your business without working like a dog…

How our clients are able to get $30,797 more profit each month while cutting back 27 hours a week on average

 Something got your attention
That little feeling inside has churned its way to the surface...

You don’t know what it is... But it feels off…

The business keeps hitting a ceiling and you probably feel like you're burning the candle at both ends…

Like most guys you probably push that feeling down and keep grinding.

Keep focusing on the business. 

“Work your ass off and everything will be okay” - the words bouncing around in your subconscious…

It’s gotten you to where you are now.

But at what cost?

Relationships? Connections with the kids? Health? Mates?

It’s stopping you from taking it to the next level…

Where your business scales without friction.

Your wife jumps on you when you get home.

And your connection with your kids is better than ever.

Something is calling you to take action…

It's why you’ve clicked onto this page…

There have been hundreds of men before you that answered this call.

The call to level up.

It’s not easy. But if you liked ’easy’ things you wouldn't be here now.

You wouldn’t be in the financial and business position you are in now if you liked ‘easy’.

You chose a life on your terms instead.

But somewhere along the way you’ve run into roadblocks.

Whether it’s’ revving the guts out of it until you burn out, time and time again.

Or mentally shutting down every other aspect of your life to grow the business, then losing everything else in the process...

I know all this because 8 years ago I was there too.

If I wasn’t at work I was thinking about work.

My partner would be telling me something and I’d just be nodding away without even listening.

I started to question everything... What is the point?

Why work so bloody hard that your body starts to shit itself and your partner wants to leave you for another bloke…

The only thing you're left with is money and burnout.

This question led me to nearly drive off the road at 110km/hr one night after a long day at work.

As fate would have it I never reached the gap in the railing on the highway that night.

Instead, my car hit gravel and started to slide. It shook me out of the trance and somehow I came to my senses enough to get home... 


I’m telling you all this because you’re not alone.

There are thousands of Aussie blokes out there thinking and feeling the same thing… 

But sometimes we’re too f**king proud to admit it.

Since that cold night all those years ago I dedicated myself to helping blokes through this exact situation.

I went deep into studying the best of the best in every field…

I hired coaches, and enrolled in courses, mentorships and certifications.

All to be able to answer this question…

How do you scale your business without the rest of your life burning to the ground around you…?

Over the years I met a small handful of blokes doing exactly that.

They had it all… The 7 figure business, the family life, holidays whenever they wanted and even the energy and health to be able to fully experience it.

Yet, everything I found seemed to be about achieving one thing at the cost of the other..

Like robbing peter to pay paul.

I didn't want my kids growing up without their dad around, so that was out of the question.

By studying men who had it all, I discovered something interesting…

Something that these successful blokes had… That no one else seemed to have.

A clear head.

And it sounds simple... But these guys were free from limiting beliefs and mental blocks.

They weren't running their life based on what their parents or society had restricted on them.

They were trailblazing their own path.

They were warriors. Leading from the front, inspiring people around them and living life on their terms.

Once I had cleared my own mental blocks I felt free. Light and ready to tackle anything.
And since then, nearly a decade later… I’ve helped 646 Aussie blokes do exactly the same.

And in the process they’ve been able to:

Cut nearly 30 hours off their working week…

Increase their profit by an average of $30,797 extra per month.

And increase their topline turnover by $130,065 every single month.

But more importantly, they’ve become the man their family needs them to be. A father to their kids. 

…And a Warrior King that rules his kingdom.

[Take the call of the Warrior King]
Apply for a call with our team
check out some of the results from our warrior king graduates

I now know my kids are gonna have the best dad they could ever have

Paul was able to cut his hours from 80 to 28 each week while adding $100,000 in monthly profit.

My business has doubled

Mark added another 11 locations across Australia and New Zealand while inside the program

Before UPA I was drowning, binge drinking, My blood pressure Was through the roof

Scott improved his team management and inspired his staff to grow

I felt empty and hollow, I was lost…

Hayden went from working over 80 hours a week to only a few days a month by empowering his staff to own the business results.

I want to be the king that leads with love & compassion, the GC legend king

Chris joined us to take his electrical business 
to the next level.

Don’t hold back, just jump in

Added 1 mil in yearly revenue while building a team that runs the business like a well-oiled machine

doing 50 hours a week, I was working in the business not on the business

Daniel took his business from $12m turnover to $22m turnover while working less hours

I found myself stuck in a cycle of working more and more hours

Paul tripled his business while cutting 
back 30 hours a week

Focus, Discipline and more profit!

After Chris joined UPA he put systems in place to “stop herding cats” & increased his profit by 600%.

I realised I was carrying a lot of shit

Adam tripled his revenue in 12 months within UPA.

I was working flat out, non-stop, I was exhausted and run down

Daniel went from losing money each month to adding $2.9k in average profit per month

After a separation I felt like I lost a lot of purpose

Joel took his business from $1379.65 average monthly profit to $156,641.93 average monthly profit in 14 months inside the program.
Who are we?
I’m Ricki Brideoake, the founder of Ultimate Performance Academy. Through my own internal struggles, I’ve devoted the better part of a decade helping male business owners become better & purpose-driven men. 

Not just so they can scale their business, but without burning out. But to better fathers, husbands and mates.
Ricki Brideoake 
Founder, Ultimate Performance Academy
Copyright 2020 + Ultimate Performance Academy